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Chinese Gamer Fat Cats Suicide A Tragic End

Chinese Gamer Fat Cat's Suicide: A Tragic End

The Suicide of Fat Cat

On April 11, 2024, at 4:43 AM, a 20-year-old Chinese male gamer known as Fat Cat (simplified Chinese: 胖猫) committed suicide by jumping off from a building. His body was found 12 days later.

The Tragic Story

Fat Cat was a popular gamer known for his skills in the online game "Glory of Kings." He had a large following on social media and was considered one of the best players in the game. However, despite his success, Fat Cat had been struggling with depression for several years.

In the months leading up to his death, Fat Cat had become increasingly isolated and withdrawn. He stopped playing "Glory of Kings" and spent most of his time alone in his apartment. He also began to experience financial difficulties and was struggling to pay his rent.

On the day of his death, Fat Cat left a note for his family and friends, in which he apologized for his actions and explained that he could no longer bear the pain.
